Contact Lenses
Social, Sport, full time replacement for glasses?
Contact lenses are clear, comfortable, affordable and after a little practice easy to apply and remove. At Stokes Opticians we can take care of all your contact lens needs, initial assessments, supply and on-going aftercare (an annual requirement, by law). Pretty much any prescription and lifestyle requirement can now be met with a contact lens solution, whether you are long-sighted, short-sighted, have astigmatism or need help with both distance and close work.
Daily contact lenses are worn once and then thrown away. They are the most convenient contact lenses to wear, no need for solutions or cases. Dailies are ideal for sport and social wear or full time wear if convenience is more important than cost. Daily contact lenses are the most comfortable contact lenses to wear as they feel thinner. Daily contact lenses start from £30 for a one month supply.
Monthly contact lenses are for multiple wears, you wear the contact lenses in the daytime and remove, clean and store over night. Multi wear is a more economical way to wear contact lenses and come in a much greater range of powers so higher prescriptions can be easily fitted. Multi wear requires the extra cost of solutions for cleaning and storing, but are still less than dailies. Monthly contact lenses start from £30 for a three month supply.
We can also fit and supply RGP (rigid gas permeable), 3&6 monthly soft contact lenses and specialist fitting for keratoconus.
Contact lenses and examination fees can be paid for either on a pay as you wear basis or on our care plan which is a monthly fee by direct debit. We charge £39.95 for all our contact lens appointments, whether its an annual check up, a trial appointment or a contact lens related dry eye issue.
If your new to contact lenses we offer a free to try appointment, where we can discuss your requirements and put some lenses on the eye to see how it feels. If it's not for you, then we won't charge a fee.
Call the practice on 01215530330 to book your contact lens appointment.